Horndean Church of England Junior School

Thinking with Thanksgiving Learning with Love Caring with Compassion

  • Five Heads Road, Horndean,
  • Waterlooville, Hampshire,
  • PO8 9NW
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We require all children wear our school uniform and appreciate parents' support in achieving this. We believe that the wearing of a school uniform encourages pride in the school and helps children to feel that they belong to our school community.


Our school uniform is as follows:


White shirt or blouse (with stiff collar)

School tie

Navy blue v necked jumper or cardigan with our school logo

Black, dark grey or navy trousers, tailored shorts or skirt

Black shoes (leather effect, not trainers or boots)


Optional - blue gingham tennis-style dress (Summer Term only, not culottes)


Ties should be worn to school every day, in very hot weather children will be invited to remove them during the day.


Jewellery is not permitted, except for a watch and one pair of plain stud earrings which, if worn, must be removed for PE.


Long hair (shoulder length or longer) must be tied back at all times and any hair bands or ties used for this purpose should be plain (without bows) and in school colours.



Our PE Kit is as follows:


Navy blue polo shirt with our school logo

Navy blue shorts

White socks

Plimsoles or trainers


Optional - A navy blue round necked jumper with the school logo and
tracksuit trousers may be worn for outdoor PE in the colder months


Earrings must be removed for PE. Newly pierced ears may be taped during PE lessons for up to six weeks.


Children who wear tights to school should ensure they have socks to change into for PE.


All children should have their kit in a named PE bag.


School uniform items can be purchased from Skoolkit,

online at https://www.skoolkit.co.uk/, or at their Havant shop in the Meridian Centre. 


In addition, our Parent Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) hold regular Pre-Loved Uniform Sales enabling parents and carers to buy nearly new uniform at very low prices. Please contact our PTFA for further information: PTFA@horndean-jun.hants.sch.uk

