Online Safety
Think U Know Great advice to keep children safe whilst using the Internet.
IWF Advice for Parents - TALK How to make sure your home doesn't have an open door to child sexual abusers
Parent Zone Parent guides relating to commonly used apps
NSPCC Online Safety Information regarding parental controls and other safe practice
Talking to your child about online safety NSPCC advice on how to start the conversation and get support if you're worried
UK Safer Internet Centre Online safety tips, advice and resources
HCC Online Safety Advice Online safety advice for parents, carers, young people and professionals supporting school children
Digital Parenting Vodafone advice for families to promote a happy and safe digital life
CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection command
DigiSafe Six Top Tips A poster designed to help keep primary children safe online during school closure
DigiSafe Daily A downloadable worksheet is available every day during term time for children and parents to use at home
Childline - Online Grooming
Online communities can be a great place to make friends but sometimes people aren't necessarily who they say they are. We chat to Arran (aka TycerX) and Helen, a Childline counsellor about how to spot the signs of online grooming and what to do if you're worried it might be happening to you.
Megan's Story - Advice for Parents
Hampshire Constabulary released this short film in support of Safer Internet Day 2019, aimed at young people telling Megan's story, highlighting the risks young people face when asked to send nudes online. Megan wanted to get the message to parents or guardians of young people too so we made another version with advice from Megan to parents and guardians.