Horndean Church of England Junior School

Thinking with Thanksgiving Learning with Love Caring with Compassion

  • Five Heads Road, Horndean,
  • Waterlooville, Hampshire,
  • PO8 9NW
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We firmly believe that every day at school is important and we work closely with our parents to promote high levels of attendance.


Our school day starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:20pm for all children, a total of 32.5 hours per week. Children should arrive on-site at about 8:40am in order to be in class for registration at 8:50am.


The following attendance leaflets have been shared with all schools within the Horndean Cluster.

Hampshire Attendance Code of Conduct


In all Hampshire schools, Penalty Notices are issued in line with the Hampshire County Council 2019 Code of Conduct for issuing penalty notices for unauthorised absence from school. The Code of Conduct is a requirement of The Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2007 and it applies to statutory school age children from age 5 to age 16 in all maintained schools and academies within the county of Hampshire.


Regular and punctual attendance at school is a legal requirement, as well as essential if pupils are to maximise their educational opportunities. As a school, we strive to work with parents to promote good levels of attendance, communicating effectively with parents when issues arise and openly celebrating excellent attendance.


The Hampshire Code of Conduct states that the maximum number of Penalty Notices that may be issued to the same parent in respect of the same child, in a three-year rolling period, is two (even at a previous school). If a third (or subsequent) offence is committed within the three-year rolling period, the headteacher may wish to refer the case to the Legal Intervention Team (LIT).

Click this link for Hampshire's Behaviour and Attendance Guidance for Parents

We know how important it is for children to arrive in school promptly and ready to learn each day, thank you for your support in promoting progress through high standards of attendance.
