Horndean Church of England Junior School

Thinking with Thanksgiving Learning with Love Caring with Compassion

  • Five Heads Road, Horndean,
  • Waterlooville, Hampshire,
  • PO8 9NW
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Home School Link Worker

Our Home School Link Worker is Ms Heidi Gibbs. Ms Gibbs works full time and is available to support children and families to promote wellbeing, improved attendance, behaviour and engagement with learning. 


The main purpose of our Home School Link Worker role is to ensure a dedicated member of our staff team is able to provide support for parents and carers, using the Back to Basics framework focusing on the five ways to wellbeing. This will promote improved attendance and engagement with learning for children, as parents and carers are more empowered to support their children.

Ms Gibbs works both with children and with their parents and carers, developing strong links between our school, our families and other agencies. She is available to meet with parents and carers to provide support for challenges in and out of school and can signpost to other relevant agencies as needed. Ms Gibbs also works with children either one-to-one or in small groups to develop their skills, find their voice and improve self-esteem.

If you would like to contact Ms Gibbs for an informal chat, advice, or a listening ear, please do so via the school office. Alternatively, pop into The Log Cabin on a Wednesday morning; Ms Gibbs is hosting weekly Drop In sessions for parents and carers from 8:45am to 9:15am.

Back to Basics Family Support


The Back to Basics approach empowers parents and carers to support their children’s wellbeing using the 5 ways of wellbeing:
Connect, Be active, Keep learning, Take notice and Give.

This Hampshire approach supports parents and carers in looking after their family’s wellbeing. We know that families all need some help from time to time due to life changes or events. We believe that as a parent or carer you can take small steps to help your child’s wellbeing, as well as your own, and we are keen to help with this.


Our Home School Link Worker, Ms Heidi Gibbs, is really keen to help families make use of the Back to Basics approach, empowering you to take control of the 5 ways of wellbeing. For more information, contact Ms Gibbs via the school office or take a look at the Hampshire website:

Back to Basics - Hampshire County Council
